This Privacy Policy governs the purpose and method of processing personal data that PR Neon Lingerie, as the operator, collects from users of the website: (hereinafter: the site). The aforementioned data are collected and processed in accordance with the Law on the Protection of Personal Data "Official Gazette of RS", no. 87/2018 (hereinafter: ZZPL).
The privacy policy applies to the site and all digital marketing channels associated with it.
The meaning of the expression
In accordance with the ZZPL, the following terms have the following meanings:
„podatak o ličnosti“ (u daljem tekstu: podatak o ličnosti ili lični podatak) je svaki podatak koji se odnosi na fizičko lice čiji je identitet određen ili odrediv, neposredno ili posredno, posebno na osnovu oznake identiteta, kao što je ime i identifikacioni broj, podataka o lokaciji, identifikatora u elektronskim komunikacionim mrežama ili jednog, odnosno više obeležja njegovog fizičkog, fiziološkog, genetskog, mentalnog, ekonomskog, kulturnog i društvenog identiteta;
„obrada podataka o ličnosti“ je svaka radnja ili skup radnji koje se vrše automatizovano ili neautomatizovano sa podacima o ličnosti ili njihovim skupovima, kao što su prikupljanje, beleženje, razvrstavanje, grupisanje, odnosno strukturisanje, pohranjivanje, upodobljavanje ili menjanje, otkrivanje, uvid, upotreba, otkrivanje prenosom, odnosno dostavljanjem, umnožavanje, širenje ili na drugi način činjenje dostupnim, upoređivanje, ograničavanje, brisanje ili uništavanje;
„rukovalac“ je fizičko ili pravno lice, odnosno organ vlasti koji samostalno ili zajedno sa drugima određuje svrhu i način obrade;
„obrađivač“ je fizičko ili pravno lice, odnosno organ vlasti koji obrađuje podatke o ličnosti u ime rukovaoca;
„primalac“ je fizičko ili pravno lice, odnosno organ vlasti kome su podaci o ličnosti otkriveni, bez obzira da li se radi o trećoj strani ili ne, osim ako se radi o organima vlasti koji u skladu sa zakonom primaju podatke o ličnosti u okviru istraživanja određenog slučaja i obrađuju ove podatke u skladu sa pravilima o zaštiti podataka o ličnosti koja se odnose na svrhu obrade;
„treća strana“ je fizičko ili pravno lice, odnosno organ vlasti, koji nije lice na koje se podaci odnose, rukovalac ili obrađivač, kao ni lice koje je ovlašćeno da obrađuje podatke o ličnosti pod neposrednim nadzorom rukovaoca ili obrađivača;
„pseudonimizacija“ je obrada na način koji onemogućava pripisivanje podataka o ličnosti određenom licu bez korišćenja dodatnih podataka, pod uslovom da se ovi dodatni podaci čuvaju posebno i da su preduzete tehničke, organizacione i kadrovske mere koje obezbeđuju da se podatak o ličnosti ne može pripisati određenom ili odredivom licu.
To process personal data of site users as a response handler:
PHONE: 0692208802
e-mail addresses: and
Types of personal data
PR NEON LINGERIE manages the processing of personal data that users provide when visiting the site. Depending on the purpose of the intended processing, the types of personal data in question include the following personal data: name and surname, e-mail address, telephone number, data on the place and address of residence (city, postal code, street and number), gender, occupation , date of birth and data on purchases (payment, purchased products, orders, product returns, etc.).
As a rule, PR NEON LINGERIE collects only those data that users voluntarily provide and which are necessary to achieve the purpose of specific processing.
An exception may be data collected using "cookies" and other tracking technologies, as explained in more detail in the Cookie Notice, which can be found here.
Purpose of personal data processing
PR NEON LINGERIE collects and processes personal data for the following purposes:
– upravljanja nalozima registrovanih korisnika sajta;
– izvršenja ugovora o kupovini proizvoda;
– podrška kupcima;
– rešavanja zahteva kupaca (za: zamenu artikala, odustanak od kupoprodajnog ugovora, reklamaciju);
– sprovođenja programa lojalnosti;
– slanja promotivnih poruka i obaveštenja (periodičnih email, sms i viber poruka tzv. newsletter-a) korisnicima koji su izrazili želju da ih primaju;
– pružanja informacija o proizvodima iz prodajnog asortimana PR NEON LINGERIE;
– realizacije promocija, takmičenja, istraživanja ili drugih aktivnosti u okviru sajta;
– rešavanja molbi, odgovaranja na pitanja i/ili drugih zahteva korisnika i prijema kritika i pohvala;
– unapređenja usluga PR NEON LINGERIE i
– odabira najboljih kandidata za rad (zaposlenje) u PR NEON LINGERIE.
The user who entrusts PR NEON LINGERIE with personal data of third parties guarantees that these third parties are aware that their personal data will be subject to processing and that they agree with the purpose and method of processing.
Legal basis for processing personal data
Depending on the purpose of collection and processing, the legal basis for the processing of the user's personal data may be their consent (consent), the execution of the contract, i.e. the requested service, compliance with the legal regulations that require the processing of the user's personal data and/or the legitimate (justified) interests of PR NEON LINGERIE (processing such as that for the purpose of: managing and maintaining the contractual relationship, responding to special requests, seeking feedback from users in order to improve the site and products, as well as for the purpose of undertaking other general marketing activities), unless these interests are overridden users and their basic rights and freedoms, that is, the interests and basic rights and freedoms of persons to whom the data refer, who require the protection of personal data, especially if the person to whom the data refer is a minor.
The legitimate interest of PR NEON LINGERIE includes those cases of collection and processing, which the user interested in products from its range or work at PR NEON LINGERIE can expect in the regular course of things, as well as those when processing is necessary without the express consent of the user.
PR NEON LINGERIE will always try to obtain the user's consent for the processing of personal data, and will be guided by legitimate interest only when it is necessary and in the best interest of the user.
Personal data such as: name and surname, gender, e-mail address, address, city, postal code, country, phone number, occupation and date of birth collected when registering on the site or expressing interest in working at PR NEON LINGERIE are processed based on the consent of the user and the legitimate interest of PR NEON LINGERIE. When registering on the site, the processing of user data is necessary for the purpose of managing their registration. The same applies to users who have expressed interest in being employed at PR NEON LINGERIE. Then, guided by a legitimate interest, PR NEON LINGERIE can process the user's personal data considering that the user has expressed interest in further offers by registering, filling out the employment form, or using the site, and in this sense can save a list of products for which the user has expressed interest or which bought, that is, jobs for which he expressed interest and for which he is qualified. The aforementioned data is also collected for the purpose of issuing Legend Club cards, providing benefits, sending promotional messages and notifications, and maintaining the status of a member of PR NEON LINGERIE.
Data such as first and last name, e-mail address, address, city, postal code, telephone number, and account number collected by PR NEON LINGERIE for the following purposes: execution of contracts for the purchase of products through the website (in the Web, Online Shop ) realization of withdrawal from the purchase contract, exchange of products and resolution of complaints on purchased products is processed by PR NEON LINGERIE based on the consent of the consumer and valid regulations in order to fulfill legal obligations.
Personal data collected for the purpose of responding to user questions/requests, such as: first and last name, e-mail address and phone number, are processed based on the user's consent in each case of their addressing PR NEON LINGERIE.
PR NEON LINGERIE će tražiti pristanak za obradu ličnih podataka korisnika pre nego što počne da im šalje promotivne poruke i obaveštenja (newsletter-e). U slučaju da korisnik izrazi želju da prima newsletter-e nezavisno od registracije na sajtu odnosno pristupanja Neon Lingerie PR NEON LINGERIE od njega prikuplja podatke kao što su: e-mail adresa, broj telefona, pol i grad. Korisnik može da prestane da prima newsletter-e izborom opcije – odjavi se koja se nalazi u svakoj poruci koju je primio nakon čega mu PR NEON LINGERIE neće više slati poruke i obaveštenja takve sadržine niti će po tom osnovu obrađivati njegove lične podatke.
PR NEON LINGERIE can also save the data of the user who has revoked his consent solely for the purpose of proving that the processing before revoking his consent was carried out in accordance with the law.
Period of storage of personal data
PR NEON LINGERIE stores and saves the user's personal data only as long as it is necessary to achieve the purpose of the specific processing, that is:
– lični podaci koji se obrađuju u svrhu upravljanja nalogom registrovanog korisnika sajta čuvaju se za sve vreme za koje je korisnik registrovan na saju;
– lični podaci koji se obrađuju u cilju izvršenja ugovora o kupovini proizvoda čuvaju se onoliko dugo koliko je potrebno da se konkretna kupoprodaja realizuje, uključujući i vreme potrebno da se postupi po zahtevima za odustanak od ugovora o kupovini odnosno za zamenu artikala, osim u slučaju izričitog zahteva korisnika da se podaci izbrišu pre isteka navedenih rokova u kom slučaju će oni biti pseudonimizirani ili na drugi način učinjeni neprepoznatljivim;
– lični podaci koji se obrađuju u svrhu postupanja po izjavljenim prigovorima odnosno reklamacijama čuvaju se onoliko dugo koliko je potrebno da se isti reše;
– lični podaci koji se prikupljaju radi sprovođenja programa lojalnosti (izdavanja kartice PR NEON LINGERIE, omogućavanja pogodnosti, slanja promotivnih poruka i obaveštenja i održavanja svojstva člana u Legend klubu) čuvaju se za sve vreme članstva u Legend klubu;
– lični podaci prikupljeni prilikom obraćanja korisnika PR NEON LINGERIE se čuvaju u roku potrebnom za obradu upita odnosno dok korisnik ne zatraži njihovo brisanje;
– lični podaci koji se obrađuju u svrhu dostavljanja newsletter-a, podsetnika u cilju obaveštavanja ili direktnog oglašavanja PR NEON LINGERIE zadržava sve dok se korisnik ne odjavi odnosno dok ne opozove svoj pristanak;
– lični podaci prikupljeni u okviru prijava za zaposlenje čuvaju se najviše godinu dana i
– lični podaci prikupljeni preko cookies-a (kolačića) čuvaju se dok služe svrsi, a kako je to bliže objašnjeno u Obaveštenju o kolačićima koje se može naći ovde.
PR NEON LINGERIE may keep personal data of users of the site even after the above-mentioned deadlines have passed for the purpose of fulfilling legal obligations or protecting the rights of PR NEON LINGERIE (before the courts or other competent authorities), in accordance with applicable regulations or collecting statistical data and keeping records.
PR NEON LINGERIE will endeavor to delete from its storage and preservation systems without delay any personal data of users that are no longer used for any of the aforementioned lawful processing methods or to pseudonymize them.
Who has access to personal data
Depending on the purpose of processing the user's personal data determined by this policy and to the extent that it is necessary for its realization, the user's personal data is available to employees of PR NEON LINGERIE, its part-time associates, partners participating in the implementation of the loyalty program and reliable third parties that PR NEON LINGERIE provides services related to the performance of its activities, such as:
– IT agencije odnosno lica koja pružaju pomoć PR NEON LINGERIE u vidu platforme ili smeštaja na serveru, podrške i održavanja baze podataka, kao i softvera i aplikacija;
– marketinške agencije;
– lica koja PR NEON LINGERIE pružaju uslugu isporuke proizvoda (usluge pošte, kurirske službe);
– lica koja PR NEON LINGERIE pružaju usluge u vezi sa podrškom kupcima i
– sudovi i drugi državni organi i organizacije u skladu sa važećim propisima.
All the mentioned persons are obliged to harmonize their operations with ZZPL, that is, to take all the necessary technical, organizational and personnel measures in order to adequately protect the user's personal data.
In cases where PR NEON LINGERIE is the controller of personal data, and their processing is carried out by a third party as a processor on its behalf, the contractual parties are obliged to conclude a special agreement on the protection of personal data, which specifically regulates all important issues related to processing personal data and emphasizes the need to protect them at all times of processing.
The level of protection of the user's personal data by those third parties must correspond at least to the level of protection provided by PR NEON LINGERIE
The user's personal data, as already mentioned above, can be disclosed to courts and other competent authorities and organizations when PR NEON LINGERIE is obliged to do so by law or when it is necessary in order to protect its rights and the interests of the persons to whom those data are related.
Data controlled by third parties
The Site may contain links to other Internet sites, as well as items or elements controlled by third parties.
An example is "plug-ins" that can connect the site to social networks such as: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and which are usually recognized based on the logo (symbol) of the respective social network. By selecting the social network symbol on the site, you may initiate the process of sending certain data, such as: user ID, site information, date and time of site visit and other browser-related information to the social network in question. Such information will be processed by social networks owned and operated by third parties in accordance with their privacy policies.
PR NEON LINGERIE has no access to or control over elements, objects, cookies and other tracking technologies operated by third parties. For the purpose of personal safety, PR NEON LINGERIE instructs the user to familiarize himself with the privacy policy of third-party websites accessed from the site, bearing in mind that this policy applies only to the site.
Protection of personal data during electronic payment
PR NEON LINGERIE uses SSL technology for the transfer of all user personal data during electronic payment (by card), which takes care of the coding of all information sent with the purchase order. In case the user chooses to pay by payment card, the payment card data entered by the user are transferred from the user's computer directly to the bank's authorization server in coded form.
When entering payment card data, confidential information is transmitted via a public network in a protected (encrypted) form using the SSL protocol and the PKI system, as currently the most modern cryptographic technology.
Data security during purchases is guaranteed by the payment card operator, so the entire payment process is carried out on the bank's website.
Data verification is done directly between the customer and the bank (Banca Intesa ad Beograd). The payment card data is not available to the PR NEON LINGERIE system at any time during the transaction.
Payment for all orders in the Republic of Serbia is made in dinars (RSD). If the user decides to pay with payment cards issued by foreign banks, the amount of the transaction in dinars will be converted into the Bank's settlement currency (EUR) according to the exchange rate of the National Bank of Serbia. When debiting the user's payment card, the already converted amount will be converted into the user's local currency, according to the exchange rate applied by payment card operators. The price stated on the website in dinars is fixed, however, due to the above conversions, it is possible that there may be a deviation from it when it is translated into local currencies of bank card issuers or when the price in euros on the website is compared with the price in euros that was applied in the billing process. , ie conversion of euros into dinars.
User rights in relation to personal data
PR NEON LINGERIE undertakes to keep the user's personal data confidential and to enable them to exercise their rights in accordance with the ZZPL.
The user has the following rights in relation to the processing of his personal data:
– pravo pristupa (korisnik ima pravo da dobije jasne, transparentne i lako razumljive informacije o svrsi obrade, vrstama podataka o ličnosti koji se obrađuju, o primaocu ili vrstama primalaca kojima su podaci o ličnosti otkriveni ili će biti otkriveni, o predviđenom roku čuvanja podataka o ličnosti, a takođe ima pravo da traži kopiju ličnih podataka koji se obrađuju);
– pravo na ispravku i/ili dopunu (korisnik ima pravo da zahteva ispravku ličnih podatka ako su oni neispravni ili nevažeći i/ili njihovo dopunjavanje ako su nepotpuni);
– pravo na brisanje (korisnik ima pravo da traži da se njegovi lični podaci izbrišu u meri u kojoj oni više nisu potrebni za svrhe obrade ili kada PR NEON LINGERIE zakon ne dozvoljava da ih više obrađuje);
– pravo na prigovor i pritužbu (korisnik ima pravo da prigovori na način obrade njegovih ličnih podataka koji može podneti direktno PR NEON LINGERIE ili da podnese pritužbu Povereniku za informacije od javnog značaja i zaštitu podataka o ličnosti);
– pravo na ograničenje obrade (u svakom trenutku korisnik ima pravo da traži ograničenje obrade njegovih ličnih podataka);
– pravo na opoziv pristanka za obradu ličnih podataka koja se zasniva na pristanku u bilo kom trenutku i
– pravo na prenosivost ličnih podataka (korisnik ima pravo preuzimanja ličnih podataka iz baze PR NEON LINGERIE radi prenosa u drugu bazu podataka).
If he wants to exercise the above-mentioned rights (except for a complaint to the Commissioner), the user can do so in the following ways: by completing and submitting a Request for the exercise of rights in connection with the processing of personal data on the site, by sending the above-mentioned request, i.e., a free-form request by email to address: or
Use of cookies
PR NEON LINGERIE uses cookies at every moment of the user's interaction with the site.
Cookies are text documents that are stored on the user's device (computer and/or phone), and are created during a visit to the site. When the user accesses the PR NEON LINGERIE website again, it retrieves data from the user's device that is contained in cookies.
PR NEON LINGERIE uses cookies that collect data needed to improve the site, as well as services that use limited cookies. These cookies aim to improve the site in order to facilitate users' access to the content as well as the use of that content by other internet services, but also for marketing purposes.
For example, when visiting the site to search, read or download information, PR NEON LINGERIE collects and stores data from the user, such as: the name of the Internet browser through which the user accesses the site, the name and type of the user's device, operating system, domain name, the internet protocol (IP) address of the computer, the date and time of accessing the site, the internet address of the pages through which the user accesses the site and other similar information.
On the one hand, cookies enable a better user experience and display of the site, and on the other hand, they allow PR NEON LINGERIE to analyze customers, track user visits to the site and improve its business through marketing activities.
By turning off cookies, the user decides whether to allow their storage on the device. The user can set the desired settings related to cookies in the internet browser or by selecting the appropriate option when visiting the site.
More information about cookies can be found in the Cookie Notice.
Acceptance of terms
PR NEON LINGERIE invites users to familiarize themselves with the Privacy Policy when visiting the site (before using it), considering that it is in their best interest. Although it is implied that by using the site the user has agreed to the terms of this policy, PR NEON LINGERIE will endeavor to point them out to users wherever they consider it important and in their interest.
Changes to the Privacy Policy
PR NEON LINGERIE reserves the right to modify the Privacy Policy, the date of modification will be indicated at the end of the text. Since users are not sent a separate notice of changes, they are recommended to read the Privacy Policy from time to time in order to familiarize themselves with possible changes and additions.
Contact person for personal data protection
All additional information and explanations regarding the Privacy Policy and its application can be obtained by the user by sending an inquiry by e-mail to: or, by phone at: 0692208802.
In Belgrade, on July 21, 2023