Neon Lingerie

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Terms of use

Before accessing the NEON LINGERIE online store located at the internet domain:, please read the Terms of Use of the online store carefully.

By using this online store, you confirm that you have read, understood and accepted these Terms of Use of the online store (hereinafter: Terms of Use). NEON LINGERIE reserves the right to modify these Terms of Use at any time. The valid version of the Terms of Use is available on the website of NEON LINGERIE located at the internet domain All content published in the NEON LINGERIE online store is its property and can only be used for non-commercial purposes, in which copyright guaranteed by law must be respected. The content of this online store is not allowed to be changed, reproduced or publicly displayed, performed, distributed, or otherwise used for public and/or commercial purposes. To use the content published within the online store for other purposes, you need to contact NEON LINGERIE for permission.

When using the NEON LINGERIE online store, it is not allowed:

– ometati/sprečavati bilo koje funkcije u vezi sa sigurnošću u internet prodavnici, odnosno funkcije koje ograničavaju/sprečavaju kopiranje i korišćenje sadržaja dostupnog u internet prodavnici;

– objavljivati/prenositi u internet prodavnicu materijal pretećeg, nepristojnog, klevetničkog, uvredljivog, pornografskog, zlostavljačkog karaktera;

– izazivati rasnu mržnju i netrpeljivost, uznemiravanje ili bilo koje neprijatnosti usled kršenja privatnosti, poverenja određenim diskriminacionim, pretećim ili izazivačkim komentarima;

– ostavljati netačne informacije u pogledu ličnih podataka;

– neovlašćeno koristiti lične podatke drugih lica, kao i lažno istupati u ime i za račun trećeg lica;

– protivprano i nezakonito se ponašati;

– ometati, modifikovati, presretati i/ili haovati internet prodavnicu;

– koristiti posebne programe u cilju neovlašćenog preuzimanja sadržaja koji se nalazi na u internet prodavnici.

In the event that you violate the rules contained in the Terms of Use, NEON LINGERIE may temporarily or permanently disable you from accessing this online store and its further use. The above does not exclude the possibility of submitting an application to the competent authorities.

Company information:

PHONE: 0692208802

– Ako su na e-comemerce prodajnom mestu cene izražene i u stranoj valuti (€, $, …) Trgovac je u
obligation to present the following statement of conversion (or similar):

All payments will be effected in Serbian currency - dinar (RSD). The amount of your credit
card account will be charged for is obtained through the conversion of the price in Euro
into Serbian dinar according to the current exchange rate of the Serbian National Bank.
When charging your credit card, the same amount is converted into your local currency
according to the exchange rate of credit card associations. As a result of this conversion
there is a possibility of a slight difference from the original price stated in our web site'.
‘Sva plaćanja biće izvršena u lokalnoj valuti Republike Srbije – dinar (RSD).Za
informative display of prices in other currencies uses the middle exchange rate of the National Bank of Serbia.
The amount charged to your payment card will be expressed in your local currency
through conversion to the same at the exchange rate used by card organizations, and which we in
the moment of the transaction cannot be known. As a result of this conversion there is an opportunity
neznatne razlike od originalne cene navedene na našem sajtu.’

– Trgovac je u obavezi da na e-commerce prodajnom mestu predoči kontakt podatke (adresu, broj
phone number and e-mail address) to which users/customers can contact in order to obtain the necessary information
information related to the order but also in case of complaint or order cancellation.

- The merchant is obliged to present a clear and detailed description of the method at the e-commerce point of sale
delivery of goods and possible restrictions, with special emphasis on the deadline for delivery of purchased goods and
way of debiting the account.

- The merchant is obliged to present a declaration of the known at the e-commerce point of sale
export restrictions, customs regulations and any other relevant legal or other
provisions that may affect the distribution and/or sale of goods to the consumer

- The merchant is obliged to present clear and unambiguous conditions at the e-commerce point of sale
complaint - payments, fees, refund of money and/or goods with a description of the procedure if it occurs

- The merchant is obliged to clearly present the conditions (reasons, deadline, etc.) under which the goods/services can be
cancel, i.e. return the goods and cancel the service, as well as the cancellation procedure, and eventual costs
limitations and cancellation of goods/services.

- The merchant is obliged to present a statement on protection and collection at the e-commerce point of sale
user's personal data and their use. Provide users/customers with the ability to
do not agree to participate in marketing actions and do not agree with giving theirs
personal data for use by third parties or companies. The point of sale can use
the following privacy statement:

"On behalf of Neon Lingerie, we pledge to protect everyone's privacy
our customers. We only collect necessary, basic data about customers/users and
data necessary for business and user information in accordance with good business practices
customs and in order to provide quality service. We give customers a choice including
the ability to decide whether or not they want to be removed from mailing lists used for marketing purposes
campaigns. All user/customer data is strictly kept and is only available to employees
for which these data are necessary for the performance of work. All neon lingerie employees (and business
partners) are responsible for respecting the principles of privacy protection."

- The merchant is obliged to present a description of the method of protecting confidential information at the e-commerce point of sale
transaction data. The point of sale may use the following statement:

"When entering payment card data, confidential information is transmitted via public information
network in a protected (encrypted) form using SSL protocol and PKI system, as currently
state-of-the-art cryptographic technologies.
Data security during purchases is guaranteed by the payment card processor, Banca Intesa ad
Belgrade, so the complete billing process is done on the bank's website. Not even one
payment card information is currently unavailable to our system."

- The merchant is obliged to present a clear and detailed description of the return at the e-commerce point of sale
funds and that in the case of cancellation of the order, refund the collected funds to the User
exclusively via VISA, EC/MC, Maestro, Amex and Dina payment methods, i.e. exclusively on
payment card account by reversing the original transaction.
The point of sale may use the following statement: "In the case of returns and refunds
to a customer who has previously paid with one of the payment cards, partially or in full, regardless of
the reason for the return, Neon Lingerie is obliged to make the return exclusively
via VISA, EC/MC, Maestro, Amex and Dina payment methods, which means that the bank will upon request
the seller to refund the funds to the account of the card user".

-VAT included in the price and there are no hidden costs for Serbia



The offer and prices on our website are updated on a daily basis.

Delivery time

After your confirmation, the order was systematically forwarded to the internet sales service, while a copy of the forwarded document or order was sent to your specified email. After that, you can expect your package in the next 5 working days. If your order is available, we will notify you the day before delivery. Otherwise, as there is a possibility that due to great interest and demand for the item in your basket, the desired item will not be delivered due to limited stock, you will be notified within 24 hours.

Taking delivery of the shipment

The company that delivers goods for Neon Lingerie is BEX courier service. Couriers bring shipments to the address between 08:00 and 16:00. The courier tries to deliver each shipment twice. It is usual that if you are not at the address, the courier will call you on the phone number you left in order to arrange a new time to pick up the delivery. If you are still not at the address then, the delivery will be returned.

Delivery price

The price of package delivery is 480 rsd for orders below 8,000 rsd, regardless of the number of items ordered within one order.
For orders over 8,000 rsd (70€), delivery is free.


Delivery via Bex is possible only on the territory of Serbia.

Method of payment

Payment for purchased products is possible in three ways:
1. Electronically (by card) through the website
2. To the borrower (in cash) upon collection


U skladu sa odredbama Zakona o zaštiti potrošača “Službeni glasnik RS” br. 88/2021 I Pravilnikom o uslovima I načinu rešavanja reklamacija PR NEON LINGERIE od 21.07.2023. godine, obaveštavamo vas o načinu i mestu ulaganja i rešavanja reklamacija kupaca.

The buyer-consumer can file a complaint:

Pozivom na broj 0692208802 ((uz dostavljanje dokaza o kupovini u NEON LINGERIE)
Putem e maila na adresu ili
Along with the complaint statement, you need to submit the invoice for inspection or other proof of purchase (copy of the invoice, slip, etc.).

NEON LINGERIE će vašu reklamaciju primiti i upisati u knjigu reklamacija, te vam izdati potvrdu da ste uložili reklamaciju na kupljenu robu.

NEON LINGERIE je dužan da bez odlaganja, a najkasnije u roku od 8 dana od dana prijema reklamacije, pisanim ili elektronskim putem odgovori potrošaču na izjavljenu reklamaciju.

The seller's response to the consumer's complaint must contain a decision whether to accept the complaint, a statement on the consumer's request and a specific proposal and deadline for resolving the complaint.

If, for objective reasons, the seller is not able to satisfy the consumer's request within the agreed deadline, he is obliged to inform the consumer about the extension of the deadline for resolving the complaint and specify the deadline in which he will resolve it, as well as to obtain his consent, which is the obligation to recorded in the records of complaints received. Extension of the deadline for resolving complaints is possible only once.

Prodavac je dužan da prihvaćenu reklamaciju reši u roku od 30 dana od dana podnošenja reklamacije

The buyer can file a complaint within two years from the day of receiving the goods, after which the complaint can only be filed with the manufacturer of the goods.

NEON LINGERIE introduces below the relevant provisions of the Law on Consumer Protection:

Article 55

The consumer can file a complaint with the seller in order to exercise his rights from Article 51 and Article 80 of this law, as well as due to incorrectly calculated prices and other defects.

The consumer can file a complaint with the seller in order to exercise his rights from Article 53 of this law within the period in which the seller's responsibility based on non-conformity is stipulated, and after the expiration of that period, the complaint is reported to the issuer of the guarantee.

The merchant is obliged to receive the declared complaint.

The seller is obliged to display at the point of sale a notice about the method and place of receipt of complaints, as well as to ensure the presence of a person authorized to receive complaints during working hours.

The consumer can declare a complaint orally at the point of sale where the goods were purchased or at another place designated for receiving complaints, by telephone, in writing, electronically or on a permanent record carrier, with the delivery of a receipt for inspection or other proof of purchase (a copy of the receipt , slip, etc.).

The seller is obliged to keep records of complaints received and keep them for at least two years from the date of submission of consumer complaints. When processing the consumer's personal data, the seller acts in accordance with the regulations governing the protection of personal data.

The seller is obliged to issue a written confirmation to the consumer without delay or to confirm the receipt of the complaint electronically, that is, to communicate the number under which his complaint was filed in the record of received complaints.

Records of received complaints are kept in the form of a bound book or in electronic form and contain, in particular, the name and surname of the applicant and the date of receipt of the complaint, information about the goods, a brief description of the non-conformity and the request from the complaint, the date of issuance of the confirmation of receipt of the complaint, the decision on the response to the consumer, the date of delivery of that decision, the agreed appropriate deadline for resolution to which the consumer agreed, the manner and date of resolution of the complaint, as well as information on the extension of the deadline for resolution of the complaint.

The seller is obliged to respond to the consumer's complaint in writing or electronically without delay, and no later than within eight days from the day of receipt of the complaint. The seller's response to a consumer complaint must contain a decision as to whether he accepts the complaint, an explanation if he does not accept the complaint, a statement on the consumer's request on the method of resolution, and a specific proposal in which period and how to resolve the complaint if he accepts it. The deadline for resolving the complaint cannot be longer than 15 days, or 30 days for technical goods and furniture, from the day the complaint is submitted.

The seller is obliged to act in accordance with the decision and proposal for resolving the complaint, if he received the consumer's prior consent. The deadline for resolving the complaint ends when the consumer receives the seller's response from paragraph 9 of this article and starts running again when the seller receives the consumer's statement. The consumer is obliged to respond to the seller's response no later than three days after receiving the seller's response. If the consumer does not make a statement within the prescribed period, it will be considered that he does not agree with the seller's proposal from paragraph 9 of this article.

If, for objective reasons, the seller is not able to satisfy the consumer's request within the prescribed period, he is obliged to inform the consumer about the extension of the deadline for resolving the complaint and specify the deadline in which he will resolve it, as well as to obtain his consent, which he is obliged to record in records of received complaints. Extension of the deadline for resolving complaints is possible only once.

If the seller rejects the complaint, he is obliged to inform the consumer about the possibility of settling the dispute out of court and about the competent bodies for the out-of-court settlement of consumer disputes.

The inability of the consumer to provide the seller with the packaging of the goods cannot be a condition for resolving the complaint, nor a reason for refusing to remove the nonconformity.

If the seller resolves the verbally stated complaint in accordance with the consumer's request when it is stated, he is not obliged to act in the manner provided for in paragraph 7 and paragraph 9 of this article.

The right to out-of-court settlement of disputes

Article 151

The procedure before the body can be initiated by the consumer only if he has previously stated a complaint or objection to the trader.

The trader is obliged to participate in the procedure of out-of-court settlement of consumer disputes before the body.

The merchant is obliged to visibly and clearly display at the point of sale a notice that he is obliged by law to participate in the out-of-court settlement of consumer disputes.

The out-of-court resolution of a consumer dispute in accordance with this law may last no longer than 90 days from the date of submission of the proposal.

As an exception to paragraph 4 of this article, in justified cases where the subject of the dispute is complex, the 90-day period may be extended by a maximum of another 90 days, of which the body shall notify the consumer and the trader without delay.

The consumer may opt out of further participation in the out-of-court settlement of the consumer dispute until the procedure is completed.

The consumer submits the proposal for the initiation of the out-of-court settlement of the consumer dispute to the Ministry, directly, by mail or electronically

Lista tela za vansudsko rešavanje potrošačkih sporova može se naći na sajtu Ministarstva trgovine, turizma i telekomunikacija, na linku:


In accordance with the Law on Consumer Protection (Official Gazette of the RS, No. 88/2021), purchases through our sales website are considered distance sales. In the case of distance sales, the Law establishes the right of the buyer to withdraw from the contract (purchase) within 14 days from the day he received the product

When canceling, the customer does not have to state the reasons for canceling the purchase. Cancellation of the purchase may occur because the purchased product does not match the characteristics and description on the site, if it is defective, if it did not meet the customer's expectations in terms of functionality or for any other reason important to the customer, and the customer does not have to explain the reason for the return.

The buyer begins the withdrawal from the purchase by filling out the form Declaration on the withdrawal from the contract concluded at a distance or the contract concluded outside the business premises, which is delivered to each buyer in writing at the time of the purchase itself.

The data that the customer enters in the form are:

1) data about the customer himself - first and last name, address, contact phone number, e-mail address
2) purchase data - date of conclusion of the contract, date of receipt of goods, date of sending the cancellation form, name of the goods to be returned, invoice number
3) reasons for cancellation - the buyer does not have to state the reasons for canceling the purchase
4) the buyer is obliged to declare the method of returning the money; in case the money is returned by payment to a bank account, the customer enters in the form data about his bank account and the bank where the account was opened

The customer then sends the form to the address for receiving statements, and the person in charge of receiving the forms will confirm receipt of the form electronically and/or in writing. Instructions for returning the goods will be attached to the confirmation.

In accordance with the law:

1) the buyer is obliged to return the goods to the trader within 14 days from the day he sent the cancellation form

2) the buyer bears only the direct costs of returning the goods (therefore, he returns the goods at his own expense)

3) the buyer is solely responsible for the reduced value of the goods that occurs as a result of handling the goods in a way that is not adequate, i.e. exceeds what is necessary to establish the nature, characteristics and functionality of the goods.

In accordance with the Law, the trader can delay the refund until he receives the goods to be returned, or until the consumer provides proof that he has sent the goods to the trader, whichever comes first, except in the case where the trader has offered to collect the goods himself. The returned goods must contain all the elements that the customer received during delivery: the product itself, associated parts, parts from the set (if additional parts are received with the goods), then complete documentation, instructions, original packaging, transport elements that serve to protect and all other elements of packaging and goods. The product must be without physical damage, cleaned of traces of use and properly packed as during delivery to the customer.

The seller cannot be held responsible for damage to the goods caused by unprofessional or unintended use of the delivered goods, and in that case the buyer will be obliged to compensate for the resulting damage.

The buyer can return the goods by courier service. Sensitive and fragile goods must be insured against damage by the buyer. Upon receipt of the returned goods, the persons in charge of our company will inspect all elements in detail and determine the correctness of the goods. In the event that the goods are returned as defective or damaged, the customer will be notified immediately and the problem will be resolved. In case the goods are correct and undamaged, the money will be paid to the buyer's current account in the bank of the buyer's choice or sent by postal order to the buyer's address.

NEON LINGERIE introduces below the relevant provisions of the Law on Consumer Protection:

Article 28

The consumer has the right to withdraw from the contract concluded at a distance, i.e. outside the business premises within 14 days, without giving reasons and additional costs, except the costs from Art. 34 and 35 of this law (hereinafter: withdrawal from the contract).

The consumer exercises the right to withdraw from the contract by making a statement on a special form for withdrawing from a contract concluded at a distance, i.e. outside the business premises or in another unambiguous way (hereinafter: withdrawal form).

The declaration of withdrawal from the contract for distance contracts and contracts that are concluded outside the business premises is considered timely if it is sent to the merchant within the period referred to in paragraph 1 of this article.

The declaration of withdrawal from the contract produces a legal effect from the day it is sent to the merchant.

If the trader enables the consumer to fill out and send the opt-out form electronically, he is obliged to inform him of the receipt of the form without delay in writing or on another permanent record carrier.

After the deadline referred to in Article 29 of this law, the consumer's right to withdraw from the contract ends.

The burden of proving that he acted in accordance with the provisions of para. 1.-5. of this article, in order to exercise the right to withdraw from the contract, it is up to the consumer.

The form and content of the waiver form is prescribed by the minister responsible for consumer protection affairs (hereinafter: the Minister).

Calculating deadlines for the consumer to withdraw from the contract

Article 29

In the case of contracts for the provision of services, the period of 14 days is calculated from the moment of conclusion of the contract between the consumer and the trader.

In the case of a contract for the sale of goods, the period of 14 days is counted from the moment when the goods arrive in the country of the consumer, that is, a third party designated by the consumer, who is not the carrier.

When the consumer orders several types of goods that are delivered separately in one purchase order, the 14-day period begins when the last type of ordered goods arrives in the country of the consumer, i.e. a third party designated by the consumer, who is not the carrier.

When the delivery of goods consists of several shipments and parts, the 14-day period begins when the last shipment or part has arrived in the country of the consumer, that is, a third party designated by the consumer, who is not the carrier.

When a contract is concluded for an indefinite period with periodic deliveries of goods, the period of 14 days begins to run when the first shipment of goods arrives in the country of the consumer, that is, of a third party designated by the consumer, who is not the carrier.

If the trader does not give the consumer the notification from Article 27, paragraph 1, item 4) of this law, in the manner from Article 30, paragraph 1 of this law and Article 31, paragraph 2 of this law, the consumer can withdraw from the contract within 12 months. from the date of expiry of the term for withdrawal from the contract.

If the trader did not deliver the notification from Article 27, paragraph 1, point 4) of this law to the consumer, in the manner referred to in Article 30, paragraph 1 of this law and Article 31, paragraph 2 of this law, and does so within 12 months from conclusion of the contract, the 14-day period begins when the consumer receives the cancellation form.

The deadline from para. 1. to 7. of this article shall expire at the end of the last hour of the last day of the deadline.

In the case of a contract on the provision of financial services at a distance, the term from paragraph 1 of this article is calculated from the moment of concluding the contract, i.e. from the moment of notifying the consumer about the content of the contract if he received that notification after the contract was concluded, and ends at the end of the last hour of the last day of the term .

As an exception to paragraph 1 of this article, in the case of long-distance life insurance contracts, the consumer has the right to withdraw from the contract within 30 days of its conclusion without giving a reason.

Obligations of the trader in case of withdrawal from the contract

Article 34

The trader is obliged to return the payments he received from the consumer without delay, including the delivery costs, and no later than within 14 days from the day he received the cancellation form.

The merchant makes the refund using the same means of payment that the consumer used in the original transaction, unless the consumer has expressly agreed to the use of another means of payment and provided that the consumer does not incur any costs due to such a refund. As an exception to paragraph 1 of this article, the trader is not obliged to refund additional costs that are a consequence of the consumer's express request for delivery that deviates from the cheapest usual delivery offered by the trader.

The trader may delay the refund until he receives the goods to be returned, or until the consumer provides proof that he has sent the goods to the trader, whichever comes first, unless the trader has offered to collect the goods himself.

The trader, at his own expense, takes over the goods that were delivered to the consumer at his home at the time of the conclusion of the contract outside the business premises if the goods cannot be returned in the usual way through the postal operator.

Obligations of the consumer in case of withdrawal from the contract

Article 35

The consumer is obliged to return the goods to the merchant or a person authorized by the merchant, without delay, and no later than within 14 days from the day he sent the withdrawal form.

It will be considered that the goods were returned within the deadline if the consumer sent the goods before the expiration of the 14-day period from paragraph 1 of this article.

The consumer bears only the direct costs of returning the goods, unless the trader has agreed to bear them or if he has not previously informed the consumer that the consumer is obliged to pay them.

The consumer is solely responsible for the reduced value of the goods that occurs as a result of handling the goods in a way that is not adequate, that is, exceeds what is necessary to establish the nature, characteristics and functionality of the goods.

The consumer will not be responsible for the reduced value of the goods in the event that the merchant has not provided him with a notice of the right to withdraw from the contract in accordance with Article 27, paragraph 1, point 4) of this law.

When the consumer exercises the right to withdraw from the contract after submitting a request in accordance with Article 30, paragraph 4 or Article 31, paragraph 8 of this law, he is obliged to pay the trader an amount that is proportionate to the services performed up to the moment when the consumer informed merchant on exercising the right to withdraw from the contract.

The proportionate amount that the consumer should pay the trader is calculated on the basis of the sales price agreed in the contract, which cannot be higher than the market value of what was delivered.

The consumer does not bear the costs for:

1) provided service or supply of water, gas or electricity when they are not offered for sale in a limited or predetermined quantity, or full or partial supply of thermal energy during the withdrawal period when:

(1) the merchant did not submit a notification in accordance with Article 27, paragraph 1, item 4) and 5) of this law; or

(2) the consumer did not expressly request that the execution begin within the deadline for withdrawing from the contract in accordance with Article 30, paragraph 4 or Article 31, paragraph 8 of this law;

2) delivery of digital content, in whole or in part, which was not delivered on a permanent record carrier when:

(1) the consumer has not given prior express consent for the start of execution before the expiration of the 14-day period;

(2) the consumer has not confirmed that he knows that by giving consent he loses the right to withdraw from the contract; or

(3) the merchant has not submitted a certificate in accordance with Article 30, paragraph 2 or Article 31, paragraph 3 of this law.

Except in the cases provided for in this article, the consumer is not liable as a consequence of exercising the right to withdraw from the contract.

This Privacy Policy governs the purpose and method of processing personal data that PR Neon Lingerie, as the operator, collects from users of the website: (hereinafter: the site). The aforementioned data are collected and processed in accordance with the Law on the Protection of Personal Data "Official Gazette of RS", no. 87/2018 (hereinafter: ZZPL).

The privacy policy applies to the site and all digital marketing channels associated with it.

The meaning of the expression

In accordance with the ZZPL, the following terms have the following meanings:

"personal data" (hereinafter: personal data or personal data) is any data relating to a natural person whose identity is determined or determinable, directly or indirectly, especially on the basis of an identity marker, such as name and identification number , location data, identifiers in electronic communication networks or one or more characteristics of his physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural and social identity;

"personal data processing" is any action or set of actions performed automatically or non-automated with personal data or their sets, such as collection, recording, sorting, grouping, i.e. structuring, storing, matching or changing, disclosure, insight, use, disclosure by transmission, i.e. delivery, duplication, dissemination or otherwise making available, comparison, restriction, deletion or destruction;

"controller" is a natural or legal person, that is, a government body that independently or together with others determines the purpose and method of processing;

"processor" is a natural or legal person, that is, a government authority that processes personal data on behalf of the controller;

"recipient" is a natural or legal person, i.e. a government body to which personal data has been disclosed, regardless of whether it is a third party or not, unless it is a government body that, in accordance with the law, receives personal data as part of research of a specific case and process this data in accordance with the rules on the protection of personal data related to the purpose of processing;

"third party" is a natural or legal person, i.e. an authority, which is not the person to whom the data refer, the handler or the processor, as well as the person who is authorized to process personal data under the direct supervision of the handler or processor;

"pseudonymization" is processing in a way that makes it impossible to attribute personal data to a specific person without using additional data, provided that these additional data are stored separately and that technical, organizational and personnel measures are taken to ensure that personal data cannot be attributed to a specific or to a specified person.


To process personal data of site users as a response handler:

PHONE: 0692208802
e-mail addresses: and

Types of personal data

PR NEON LINGERIE manages the processing of personal data that users provide when visiting the site. Depending on the purpose of the intended processing, the types of personal data in question include the following personal data: name and surname, e-mail address, telephone number, data on the place and address of residence (city, postal code, street and number), gender, occupation , date of birth and data on purchases (payment, purchased products, orders, product returns, etc.).

As a rule, PR NEON LINGERIE collects only those data that users voluntarily provide and which are necessary to achieve the purpose of specific processing.

An exception may be data collected using "cookies" and other tracking technologies, as explained in more detail in the Cookie Notice, which can be found here.

Purpose of personal data processing

PR NEON LINGERIE collects and processes personal data for the following purposes:

- managing the accounts of registered site users;
- execution of contracts on the purchase of products;
- customer support;
- resolving customer requests (for: replacement of items, withdrawal from the purchase contract, complaints);
- implementation of the loyalty program;
- sending promotional messages and notifications (periodic emails, sms and viber messages, so-called newsletters) to users who have expressed a desire to receive them;
- providing information about products from the sales range of PR NEON LINGERIE;
- implementation of promotions, competitions, research or other activities within the site;
- solving requests, answering questions and/or other user requests and receiving criticism and praise;
- improvement of PR NEON LINGERIE services i
- selecting the best candidates for work (employment) in PR NEON LINGERIE.

The user who entrusts PR NEON LINGERIE with personal data of third parties guarantees that these third parties are aware that their personal data will be subject to processing and that they agree with the purpose and method of processing.

Legal basis for processing personal data

Depending on the purpose of collection and processing, the legal basis for the processing of the user's personal data may be their consent (consent), the execution of the contract, i.e. the requested service, compliance with the legal regulations that require the processing of the user's personal data and/or the legitimate (justified) interests of PR NEON LINGERIE (processing such as that for the purpose of: managing and maintaining the contractual relationship, responding to special requests, seeking feedback from users in order to improve the site and products, as well as for the purpose of undertaking other general marketing activities), unless these interests are overridden users and their basic rights and freedoms, that is, the interests and basic rights and freedoms of persons to whom the data refer, who require the protection of personal data, especially if the person to whom the data refer is a minor.

The legitimate interest of PR NEON LINGERIE includes those cases of collection and processing, which the user interested in products from its range or work at PR NEON LINGERIE can expect in the regular course of things, as well as those when processing is necessary without the express consent of the user.

PR NEON LINGERIE will always try to obtain the user's consent for the processing of personal data, and will be guided by legitimate interest only when it is necessary and in the best interest of the user.

Personal data such as: name and surname, gender, e-mail address, address, city, postal code, country, phone number, occupation and date of birth collected when registering on the site or expressing interest in working at PR NEON LINGERIE are processed based on the consent of the user and the legitimate interest of PR NEON LINGERIE. When registering on the site, the processing of user data is necessary for the purpose of managing their registration. The same applies to users who have expressed interest in being employed at PR NEON LINGERIE. Then, guided by a legitimate interest, PR NEON LINGERIE can process the user's personal data considering that the user has expressed interest in further offers by registering, filling out the employment form, or using the site, and in this sense can save a list of products for which the user has expressed interest or which bought, that is, jobs for which he expressed interest and for which he is qualified. The aforementioned data is also collected for the purpose of issuing Legend Club cards, providing benefits, sending promotional messages and notifications, and maintaining the status of a member of PR NEON LINGERIE.

Data such as first and last name, e-mail address, address, city, postal code, telephone number, and account number collected by PR NEON LINGERIE for the following purposes: execution of contracts for the purchase of products through the website (in the Web, Online Shop ) realization of withdrawal from the purchase contract, exchange of products and resolution of complaints on purchased products is processed by PR NEON LINGERIE based on the consent of the consumer and valid regulations in order to fulfill legal obligations.

Personal data collected for the purpose of responding to user questions/requests, such as: first and last name, e-mail address and phone number, are processed based on the user's consent in each case of their addressing PR NEON LINGERIE.

PR NEON LINGERIE will ask for consent to process users' personal data before sending them promotional messages and notifications (newsletters). In the event that the user expresses a desire to receive newsletters independently of registration on the site, ie access to Neon Lingerie PR NEON LINGERIE collects data from him such as: e-mail address, phone number, gender and city. The user can stop receiving newsletters by choosing the option - unsubscribe, which is found in every message he receives, after which PR NEON LINGERIE will no longer send him messages and notifications with such content, nor will he process his personal data on that basis.

PR NEON LINGERIE can also save the data of the user who has revoked his consent solely for the purpose of proving that the processing before revoking his consent was carried out in accordance with the law.

Period of storage of personal data

PR NEON LINGERIE stores and saves the user's personal data only as long as it is necessary to achieve the purpose of the specific processing, that is:

- personal data processed for the purpose of managing the account of the registered user of the site are stored for the entire time that the user is registered on the site;
- personal data that are processed for the purpose of executing a contract for the purchase of products are stored as long as it is necessary to carry out the specific purchase and sale, including the time required to act on requests to withdraw from the purchase contract or to exchange items, except in the case of express the user requests that the data be deleted before the expiration of the specified terms, in which case they will be pseudonymized or otherwise rendered unrecognizable;
- personal data that are processed for the purpose of acting on reported objections or complaints are kept for as long as it is necessary to resolve them;
- personal data collected for the purpose of implementing the loyalty program (issuing the PR NEON LINGERIE card, providing benefits, sending promotional messages and notifications and maintaining membership status in the Legend Club) are stored for the duration of membership in the Legend Club;
- personal data collected when the user addresses PR NEON LINGERIE are stored for the time required to process the query, that is, until the user requests their deletion;
- personal data that are processed for the purpose of delivering newsletters, reminders for the purpose of informing or direct advertising PR NEON LINGERIE is retained until the user unsubscribes or revokes their consent;
- personal data collected as part of employment applications are stored for a maximum of one year and
- personal data collected through cookies are stored as long as they serve the purpose, as explained in more detail in the Cookie Notice that can be found here.

PR NEON LINGERIE may keep personal data of users of the site even after the above-mentioned deadlines have passed for the purpose of fulfilling legal obligations or protecting the rights of PR NEON LINGERIE (before the courts or other competent authorities), in accordance with applicable regulations or collecting statistical data and keeping records.

PR NEON LINGERIE will endeavor to delete from its storage and preservation systems without delay any personal data of users that are no longer used for any of the aforementioned lawful processing methods or to pseudonymize them.

Who has access to personal data

Depending on the purpose of processing the user's personal data determined by this policy and to the extent that it is necessary for its realization, the user's personal data is available to employees of PR NEON LINGERIE, its part-time associates, partners participating in the implementation of the loyalty program and reliable third parties that PR NEON LINGERIE provides services related to the performance of its activities, such as:

- IT agencies, i.e. persons who provide assistance to PR NEON LINGERIE in the form of a platform or hosting on a server, support and maintenance of the database, as well as software and applications;
- marketing agencies;
- persons who provide PR NEON LINGERIE with product delivery services (mail services, courier services);
- persons who provide PR NEON LINGERIE with customer support services and
- courts and other state bodies and organizations in accordance with applicable regulations.

All the mentioned persons are obliged to harmonize their operations with ZZPL, that is, to take all the necessary technical, organizational and personnel measures in order to adequately protect the user's personal data.

In cases where PR NEON LINGERIE is the controller of personal data, and their processing is carried out by a third party as a processor on its behalf, the contractual parties are obliged to conclude a special agreement on the protection of personal data, which specifically regulates all important issues related to processing personal data and emphasizes the need to protect them at all times of processing.

The level of protection of the user's personal data by those third parties must correspond at least to the level of protection provided by PR NEON LINGERIE

The user's personal data, as already mentioned above, can be disclosed to courts and other competent authorities and organizations when PR NEON LINGERIE is obliged to do so by law or when it is necessary in order to protect its rights and the interests of the persons to whom those data are related.

Data controlled by third parties

The Site may contain links to other Internet sites, as well as items or elements controlled by third parties.

An example is "plug-ins" that can connect the site to social networks such as: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and which are usually recognized based on the logo (symbol) of the respective social network. By selecting the social network symbol on the site, you may initiate the process of sending certain data, such as: user ID, site information, date and time of site visit and other browser-related information to the social network in question. Such information will be processed by social networks owned and operated by third parties in accordance with their privacy policies.

PR NEON LINGERIE has no access to or control over elements, objects, cookies and other tracking technologies operated by third parties. For the purpose of personal safety, PR NEON LINGERIE instructs the user to familiarize himself with the privacy policy of third-party websites accessed from the site, bearing in mind that this policy applies only to the site.

Protection of personal data during electronic payment

PR NEON LINGERIE uses SSL technology for the transfer of all user personal data during electronic payment (by card), which takes care of the coding of all information sent with the purchase order. In case the user chooses to pay by payment card, the payment card data entered by the user are transferred from the user's computer directly to the bank's authorization server in coded form.

When entering payment card data, confidential information is transmitted via a public network in a protected (encrypted) form using the SSL protocol and the PKI system, as currently the most modern cryptographic technology.

Data security during purchases is guaranteed by the payment card operator, so the entire payment process is carried out on the bank's website.

Data verification is done directly between the customer and the bank (Banca Intesa ad Beograd). The payment card data is not available to the PR NEON LINGERIE system at any time during the transaction.

Payment for all orders in the Republic of Serbia is made in dinars (RSD). If the user decides to pay with payment cards issued by foreign banks, the amount of the transaction in dinars will be converted into the Bank's settlement currency (EUR) according to the exchange rate of the National Bank of Serbia. When debiting the user's payment card, the already converted amount will be converted into the user's local currency, according to the exchange rate applied by payment card operators. The price stated on the website in dinars is fixed, however, due to the above conversions, it is possible that there may be a deviation from it when it is translated into local currencies of bank card issuers or when the price in euros on the website is compared with the price in euros that was applied in the billing process. , ie conversion of euros into dinars.

User rights in relation to personal data

PR NEON LINGERIE undertakes to keep the user's personal data confidential and to enable them to exercise their rights in accordance with the ZZPL.

The user has the following rights in relation to the processing of his personal data:

- the right of access (the user has the right to receive clear, transparent and easily understandable information about the purpose of the processing, the types of personal data that are processed, about the recipient or types of recipients to whom the personal data has been disclosed or will be disclosed, about the expected period of storage of personal data about person, and also has the right to request a copy of the personal data being processed);
- the right to correction and/or addition (the user has the right to request the correction of personal data if they are incorrect or invalid and/or their addition if they are incomplete);
- the right to deletion (the user has the right to request that his personal data be deleted to the extent that they are no longer needed for the purposes of processing or when PR NEON LINGERIE is no longer allowed by law to process them);
- the right to object and complain (the user has the right to object to the way his personal data is processed, which can be submitted directly to PR NEON LINGERIE or to submit a complaint to the Commissioner for Information of Public Importance and Protection of Personal Data);
- the right to restriction of processing (at any time the user has the right to request restriction of processing of his personal data);
- the right to revoke consent for the processing of personal data based on consent at any time and
- the right to portability of personal data (the user has the right to download personal data from the PR NEON LINGERIE database for transfer to another database).

If he wants to exercise the above-mentioned rights (except for a complaint to the Commissioner), the user can do so in the following ways: by completing and submitting the Request for exercising rights in connection with the processing of personal data on the site by sending the above-mentioned request, i.e., a free-form request by email to address: or

Use of cookies

PR NEON LINGERIE uses cookies at every moment of the user's interaction with the site.
Cookies are text documents that are stored on the user's device (computer and/or phone), and are created during a visit to the site. When the user accesses the PR NEON LINGERIE site again, it downloads data from the user's device that is contained in cookies.
PR NEON LINGERIE uses cookies that collect data needed to improve the site, as well as services that use limited cookies. These cookies aim to improve the site in order to facilitate users' access to the content as well as the use of that content by other internet services, but also for marketing purposes.
For example, when visiting the site to search, read or download information, PR NEON LINGERIE collects and stores data from the user, such as: the name of the Internet browser through which the user accesses the site, the name and type of the user's device, operating system, domain name, the internet protocol (IP) address of the computer, the date and time of accessing the site, the internet address of the pages through which the user accesses the site and other similar information.
On the one hand, cookies enable a better user experience and display of the site, and on the other hand, they allow PR NEON LINGERIE to analyze customers, track user visits to the site and improve its business through marketing activities.
By turning off cookies, the user decides whether to allow their storage on the device. The user can set the desired settings related to cookies in the internet browser or by selecting the appropriate option when visiting the site.
More information about cookies can be found in the Cookie Notice.
Acceptance of terms
PR NEON LINGERIE invites users to familiarize themselves with the Privacy Policy when visiting the site (before using it), considering that it is in their best interest. Although it is implied that by using the site the user has agreed to the terms of this policy, PR NEON LINGERIE will endeavor to point them out to users wherever they consider it important and in their interest.

Changes to the Privacy Policy

PR NEON LINGERIE reserves the right to modify the Privacy Policy, and the date of modification will be indicated at the end of the text. Since users are not sent a separate notice of changes, they are recommended to read the Privacy Policy from time to time in order to familiarize themselves with possible changes and additions.
Contact person for personal data protection
All additional information and explanations regarding the Privacy Policy and its application can be obtained by the user by sending an inquiry by e-mail to: or, by phone at: 0692208802.

In Belgrade, on July 21, 2023


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